Community Gift Drives
We take pride in the community that supports us. Here at the Village Bank, we embrace the idea that it takes a village to support one another and are constantly searching for ways to give back. This Holiday Season, we are working with our community providers to bring brightness and cheer to local families.
Join us in giving back this Holiday Season!
Newton Locations

Each holiday season, the Village Bank and the Newton Rotary team up with the City of Newton Department of Health & Human Services for a holiday gift drive.
Please help by donating gifts for children ages newborn to 10. Your gift will benefit deserving Newton families.
For the 2022 holiday season, donations will be accepted November 14 – December 12.
There are two ways to donate:
- Send a cash donation to the Rotary Club of Newton. Click on Donate to Newton Rotary Foundation button. Select Holiday Gift Drive from the Use this donation for dropdown menu.
- Drop off a new, unwrapped toy or gift card from a local Newton merchant at any Village Bank Newton location.
Wayland Location

This holiday season, we are partnering with Middlesex Human Services Agency for the Warm Winter Wishes drive.
We are seeking donations of new hats, scarves, gloves, mittens, socks, and other warm winter gear for adults and children. Your donation will benefit homeless families and individuals in our community.
For the 2022 holiday season, donations will be accepted November 14 – December 30 and may be dropped off at our Wayland location.
Let's Get Started
For more information or answers to any questions, please visit our Customer Care Center, use our Contact Form, or call us at (617) 969-4300.

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The people at The Village Bank understand my business and take a very personal approach to all of my banking needs. We have been doing business with The Village Bank for many years and have never had a bad experience.